Tuesday, December 20, 2011

skype credit trick

One of my friends used this trick and requests me for to publish this trick or method on Hack Illusion. So today i publish this trick. In this trick we get free voucher of 1.02 Euro, Follow the below steps for take the free Skype voucher.
Step 1:- Download hotspot shield vpn and connect it.
Step 2:- Now visit free Skype voucher generator link and click on get free voucher.
Step 3:-  Now you receive the free voucher
Step 4:- Login into your Skype account and click on Redeem Voucher.
Step 5:- Paste the voucher code Here and click on Redeem Voucher and you will get free 1.02 Euro(approx 67 rs).
If you have any other tricks for free call on then tell us.

Adsense approval trick

Adsense approval trick

step 1  

Go to adsense.com  apply a fourm with corrent information with corrent
paye name. but remmebr we are going to disapprve this application
put wrong url in  site url  like wwww.ksdjfjkh.com/787jkh
put url which is not working.and submit application you got disapprove email after 1 hour.

Step 2

go to adsense.com   apply a fourm with any paye name with good address information
 and put this like same as  this in site url   www.zicora.com/ 
now submit this application.you got partial approval email after 1 hour.

step 3

now  open this link


when you open this login with partial approval email pw.

then  a swithch account fourm will b open

1.Corrent paye name which we used in  dissapproval  application
2.place a partial approval email in 2nd box
3.place a dissapproval Email in 3rd box

now come bottom and  place  0 (zero) in impration box
 now tick in 2 field and  submit after maximam 10 mintues you got email on both emails
that your account is switched and your partial approval email was compeltely closed and your disapproved account is now approved
 now you can  login your adsense account with  your dissapproved account which in now  fully approved

Enjay adsense approval

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Free Nimbuzz Trick for Airtel Nov 25 100% working

Nimbuzz is the powerful and most efficient way to get connected with your gtalk,fb,yahoo and other account friends. So a free nimbuzz working with airtel is very useful right? Today I have a latest trick to use Nimbuzz free with airtel. Make a new access point settings in your phone

Account name :www.a2zhackss.blogspot.com
apn                   : airtelgprs.com
Proxy                :bosh.nimbuzz.com
Port                   : 80

You are done with first step. Just save and download nimbuzz handler 


Open the downloaded app and do the as shown below
1.Remove port from url.
2. select proxy type
Http and put
'0.facebook.com' save

Give Windows 8 Look to Your Windows 7 Explorer

BExplorer or Better Explorer is a free software for Windows 7 which features Windows 8 style Ribbon UI. The upcoming Windows 8 features Microsoft Office 2010 style Ribbon UI in Windows Explorer and BExplorer is an alternative to default Windows Explorer with same UI.

BExplorer is a replacement of standard windows explorer with more features for more convenient work! BExplorer support Tabs, additional toolbars and so on. The Ribbon UI is very helpful to accessing all necessary menus easily and more quickly. With Tab feature you can open different tabs, same as you do in web browser.

This Project is designed for use with Windows 7 but it should also work with Vista and this is in alpha mod now.

The main goals of this project are:
- Adding tab functionality together with use of standard explorer browser control
- Adding additional toolbars with more features like:
- Changing Library icons
- File operation with files and folders
- Synchronized command promt
- Change of folder icons
- Extended Jump list support (Windows 7)
- Double panel explorer
- Extended search like extended search pane in Vista (Windows 7)
- Glassy view

Download Link for Better Explorer 2.0:
Better_Explorer_2.0.0.531_Alpha.exe (16.73 MB)

Read more: http://www.onlytrick.com/2011/10/give-windows-8-look-to-your-windows-7.html#ixzz1ear1Wddo

13 Methods to Increase Site Traffic/Pageviews Best Trick

As a reputed website owner, I usually hear the doubt on increasing site traffic and page views.  Every blog owners want to get more n more traffic per day and they rush for this. But getting tons of visitors within a day is not possible. You know, I have started my blog about 18 months ago and i used to get about 100-200 page views per day. But now the traffic is about 50000 per day. Amazing na? Wanna get traffic like this? Try this cool 15 effective methods.

Add internal links: This is most simple method to increase your pageviews. Whenever you write an article, check whether you have written similar articles. If so link to them. This is helpful for new readers as well as it is not necessary that all your readers have been with you from the beginning. But remember that too much interlinking can get your readers distracted from the original post.
  1. Try related posts: For blogger users there is a plugin called Related Posts that can automatically find related posts for you based on the keywords you used in the article. You can do this manually if you want, but I prefer the plugin as it is a lot easier. There may be a similar plugin for other Blog Platforms, but I am not sure about it.It is best that you place 5 related posts just after the post ends. You can find more useful blogger Plugins here.
  2. Add a Newsletter or Post Notification Services: Services such Zookoda and FeedBurner can be used to notify readers of new posts via email thereby increasing page views. I think that notifying new posts through emails are more effective than feeds as people check their mails many times a day.
  3. Highlight Key Posts in Prominent Positions: You may have noticed that my header links to some of the important articles of johntp.com. When visitors reach this blog there’s a high chance that they will notice these links and click them. My header links has helped me almost double my pageviews.
  4. Best of Pages: I have collected some of the best articles and put them on a separate page calledTop Posts. This not only helps to increase pageviews but also helps in converting casual surfers to regular readers.I also use a blogger Plugin called ‘Noteworthy‘ with which I mark some of the interesting articles. The plugin automatically puts the marked posts to a category. This can also help in increasing the pageviews of those posts. In short highlight your top posts in all ways possible.
  5. Write a Series of Posts: A series of posts on a topic can drive readers from the first part to the last thereby increasing pageviews. Readers will also return often to read what you have to say on the next part.Although I suggest you don’t break every article into a series of posts as it may irritate some readers.
  6. Use Extended Entires on your Front Page: For blogger users there is a ‘more’ feature that breaks long posts with a ‘more…’ or ‘Continue reading post name‘ that links to the complete post. This can help in increasing pageviews but you must use it only for long posts as it can get annoying for certain readers when used too much.
  7. Run a Blog Project or Meme: Group writing projects can get you new links and readers aswell as visitors who come back multiple times in a week to see what updates there had been to it. Projects or competitions works best if you have a lot of loyal readers willing to participate.
  8. Excerpts in RSS feeds: If you use Full Feeds, your readers are likely to read your content through feeds and never return to your blog. To increase page views you may switch to Partial Feeds.Here at johntp.com, after switching to partial feeds I have found an increase in the number of people coming back and an unexpected increase in RSS readers.
  9. Entice RSS Readers to Visit: If you decide to use Full feeds, you need to find ways to get your subscribers to visit your blog. i suggests methods such as Polls, writing posts in a way that invites comments and interlinking posts.
  10. Build Interactivity into your Blog: The more your readers interact on your blog the more pages they view. Comments and polls are a good way to interact with readers.You can encourage comments by asking question or opinions at the end of evey post. If a reader leaves a comment or takes part in a poll they are likely to come back again to see if there are any replies to their comments or to find out the result of the poll. Building an interactive blog can increase your pageviews a lot.
  11. Draw People Back to Comments: For blogger users there are a few plugins that help you make your blog more interactive regarding comments. First is a plugin called Brian’s Latest Comments that shows an overview of the recently active articles and the last people to comment on them.You can also give your readers the opportunity to follow your comments either by having a RSS feed for comments on your blog or by allowing them to subscribe to comments via email with Subscribe To Comments blogger Plugin.You can encourage your readers to comment more often by listing the Top 10 Commentators of your blog and linking directly to their blogs. You can do this automatically with the Top Commentators blogger Plugin.You can see all these plugins in action on my blog and find more here.
  12. Add a Search Feature: Adding a Search feature to your blog allows your readers to search for previous posts thereby increasing pageviews. Your theme may already be having it by default.
  13. Give Your Readers a Homework Assignment: I have not yet tried this method and so can’t comment on it. I am not even sure if it will work for my kind of blog. This method has more chance of working on blogs like laxman Photography Blog.

Unlock Huawei UMG1831 21Mbps mobile broadband modem

Unlock Huawei UMG1831 21Mbps mobile broadband modem

I am overwhelmed of hearing how to unlock Huawei UMG1831 21Mbps mobile broadband modem. Then I intentionally spare some time for this tutorial. It's possible with a software called DC UNLOCKER. You can download it from the below link.
Download the above software and do as follows.......
1. Select Manufacturer as “Huawei modems” 
2. Select Model as “Huawei UMG1831″ 
3. Now in Unlocking button (given to the right) tab your Do job button will be enabled. 
4. Press Do job button. 
5. Now Your modem is unlocked and you can use any simcard in your.usb modem.

skype credit trick

One of my friends used this trick and requests me for to publish this trick or method on Hack Illusion. So today i publish this trick. In this trick we get free voucher of 1.02 Euro, Follow the below steps for take the free Skype voucher.
Step 1:- Download hotspot shield vpn and connect it.
Step 2:- Now visit free Skype voucher generator link and click on get free voucher.
Step 3:-  Now you receive the free voucher
Step 4:- Login into your Skype account and click on Redeem Voucher.
Step 5:- Paste the voucher code Here and click on Redeem Voucher and you will get free 1.02 Euro(approx 67 rs).
If you have any other tricks for free call on then tell us.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How To Hack Beginners Guide to Hacking Computers

“ The Only True Guide to Learning How to Hack ”

originally by R4di4tion (his email, but it’s no longer in use), with a few updates by myself.

You stay up all night on the PC typing and typing. No, you’re not hacking. You’re begging someone on IRC to teach you how to hack! Let’s look at the facts:
  1. You’re a luser and you’re annoying. No one likes you if you ask others how to hack without taking the least amount of initiative.
  2. You’re not worthy of any title even resembling hacker, cracker, phreaker, etc., so don’t go around calling yourself that! The more you do, the less likely you are to find someone willing to teach you how to hack (which is an infinitesimal chance, any way).
  3. You’re wasting your time (if you couldn’t infer that in the first place). Many real hackers (not those shitty script kiddies) spend all their insomniac hours reading and, yes even, HACKING! (Hacking doesn’t necessarily (but usually does) mean breaking into another system. It could mean just working on your own system, BUT NOT WINDOWS ’9x (unless you’re doing some really menacing registry shit, in which case, you’re kind of cool).)
You’re probably thinking, “Then what should I do. If no one’s going to help me, how can I learn to hack?” Have you ever tried READING (I assume this far that you are literate). Read anything and everything you can get your hands on! I recommend hitting a computer store and looking for discount books (books that are usually out of date, but so are a lot of the systems on the ‘net, so they’re still relevant!). You’ll be surprised what you can learn from a book even when you’re paying a dollar for every hundred pages. I recommend the following books to start off with:
  • Maximum Security I or II: this is not a guide to hacking, despite what you might have heard, but you can get enough info to learn the basics of how hackers hack! (Isn’t that more fun than being lamed, email bombed, and kicked off IRC).
  • Practical Unix and Internet Security (Sec. Edition): This is mostly a book about how to secure Unix (if you don’t know what Unix is, either shoot yourself now, or read O’Reilly’s Learning the Unix OS), but half of learning to hack is learning a system from the inside out. How can you expect to hack a site (w/o using a kiddie script, which i must restate, is NOT hacking) if you don’t know how to use the system?!
  • Linux Unleashed/Red Hat Linux Unleashed: these books are kind of cool. First of all, they come with Red Hat Linux (*sigh*, just go to www.linux.org and read everything there) 5.1 and 5.2 respectively (if you get the newest versions of the book, which you should). Read everything you can from it.
  • Sendmail in a nutshell: This is only after you read everything else. Sendmail, for those of you who still don’t know, is a program that sends mail. It sounds stupid, but this is a buggy program, and usually is the avenue of attack many hackers take because of it’s vulnerabilities.
  • TCP/IP Blueprints: this will clear up a lot of things concerning TCP/IP.
  • TCP/IP Administration: haven’t read it, but can’t wait to! (I’ve been bogged down by a lot of other REAL computer stuff).

What is hacking?

Hacker Emblem

What is hacking?

Hacking is the practice of modifying the features of a system, in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creator's original purpose. The person who is consistently engaging in hacking activities, and has accepted hacking as a lifestyle and philosophy of their choice, is called a hacker.
Computer hacking is the most popular form of hacking nowadays, especially in the field of computer security, but hacking exists in many other forms, such as phone hacking, brain hacking, etc. and it's not limited to either of them.
Due to the mass attention given to blackhat hackers from the media, the whole hacking term is often mistaken for any security related cyber crime. This damages the reputation of all hackers, and is very cruel and unfair to the law abiding ones of them, from who the term itself originated. The goal of this website is to introduce people the true philosophy and ethics of hackers, hopefully clearing their name and giving them the social status they deserve.

Abdil kalam message in Hyderabad

please read this post completely.....................if you don't have time now .......download it and read it later..........

<<< Inspirational Message By Dr.Kalam >>>
* Dr. A. P. J. Abdul
Kalam 's Speech in Hyderabad . *

Why is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing
success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them.

We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into
a self-sustaining, self-driving unit.

There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.

I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper.

It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken
place. The Hamas had struck.
But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The
gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.

In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so

Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things?

We want foreign TVs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.

Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this
lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph.. I asked her what her goal in life is.

She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim. India is not an
under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10
minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.

Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is

YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our
laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke,

The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the
absolute pits..

YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?
Take a
person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - YOURS. Give him a
face -
YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International
In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in
stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay
(approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim
or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch
your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or
a shopping
mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you
don't say
anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during
Ramadan, in
Dubai . YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered
in Jeddah .
YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange
in London at
10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD
calls are
billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph
(88 km/h)
in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you
know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU
wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on
the beaches in Australia and New Zealand ...

Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ?

Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ???

We are still talking of the same YOU.

YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own.

You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground.

If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?

Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr.

Tinaikar , had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities
for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to
do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his

In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the
Same in Japan . Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We
go to

the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all

We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government
to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We
expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking
garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray
piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide
clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.

We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food
and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least

This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the
service to the public.

When it comes to burning social issues like those
related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone fore-go my
sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system?

What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and
thegovernment. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away.

Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to
England ..

When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out
to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and
brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and make love to
the country..

Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.

Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great
deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too..... I am echoing
J. F. Kennedy 's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians.....


Lets do what India needs from us.

Forward this mail to each Indian for a change instead of sending Jokes or junk mails.

Thank you,
Dr. Abdul

Nokia All Codes

Nokia Secret Codes

The best personal toolbar specially crafted to manage your email, chats, updates, and almost everything, and it's free!

It's 100% safe. We DO NOT store any information in any form!

Download Hackers Most PopularToolbar! Mozilla

Download Hackers Most PopularToolbar! Internet Explorer

Download now with Instructions - All other

Scroll Down to view Specific Model Numbers!!!!

*** WARNING: Using secret codes may be harmful to your phone and result in disabling or worse. Use these codes at your own discretion, we accept no responsiblility for blocked pones while using these codes!!!
IMEI Number
*#06# Cells Identity Code (IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity)

TAC = Type Approval Code (first 2 digits = country code of the approval-country )
FAC = Final Assembly Code: (01,02 = AEG)
(10,20 Nokia)
(40,41,44 Siemens)
(30 Ericsson)
(50 Bosch)
(51 Sony,Siemens,Ericsson)
(60 Alcatel)
(65 AEG)
(70 Sagem)
(75 Dancall)
(80 Philips)
(85 Panasonic)

SNR = Serial Nr.
SP = Spare (always "0")

Software Version
*#0000# shows the software version
Signal Processing
*3370# - Enchanced full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.
#3370# - Enchanced full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation
*4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart.
#4720# - Half Rate Codec deactivation
Enchanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5%

Nokia E-Series Secret Codes

Check software version and the release number of your device:

See WLAN MAC address:

See Bluetooth MAC address:

To hard reset and restore to factory settings:
*#7370# (default lock code is 12345)

See IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number:

Check number where calls are diverted:

To display your phone's life timer, type: #92702689#

Please use the following two codes with extreme care:
  • To soft reset the phone and reset phone settings type: *#7780#
  • To hard reset and completely erase all data on the phone and restore it to factory settings, type *#7370#. You'll be asked for a lock code. The default Nokia lock code is 12345.

Sim Clock Stopping
Checks if the sim clock can be stopped. Sim clock stop is a kind of stand-by mode which will save battery time. This code doesn't work with software version 4.59.
It will tell you if it can be stopped or not.

Warrenty Menu
*#92702689# takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997).
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY).
4. Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000).
5. Makes you capable of transferring user data if you have the gear for it.
6. Shows how long the phone has been used to talk. This counter is not reset by when you "clear timers" like the counters in the call register.

Bypass the SP lock With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx
1. Insert SIM card of different provider.
2. Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec.
Then release it and the phone says PIN CODE?
3. Press the "C" key.
4. Then Press * and wait until it disappears and appears again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

Nokia Speed Trap Detector Urban Legend spread by Nokia Engineers ;^)
The settings for radar speed traps detector. Your Nokia cell phone can be programmed to pick up radar speed traps, when programmed your cell phone picks up the radar and alerts you on the message alert tone. ( Doesn't work with Nokia 7110! )
1. Enter your menu
2. Select settings
3. Select security settings
4. Select closed user group
5. Select on
6. Enter 00000
7. Press ok
8. Clear back to normal, within a few seconds your phone will display a radar sign with five zero's next to it. It is now activated.
Unfortunately only Nokia phones have this function. The Cell Phone info display needs to be de-activated. Settings -> Phone Settings -> Cell Info display. Each time you turn off your phone, or even each time you loose contact with your carrier, you'll have to activate it again... It is done using steps 1 through 5 above, but the number (00000) will be already on the field as a default.

The James Bond Trick

If you short-circuit the left middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying! Network Monitor
There is a hidden menu inside your Nokia phone. If you want to activate it, you'll have to re-program some chips inside of your phone.

Check your software version. You can only continue if you have v4.33, v4.73 or v5.24.
Take apart the phone.
De-solder the EEPROM (ATMEL AT 24C64)
Read out the data with an EEPROM programmer and save it to a file (Backup)
If you have v.33 or v4.73, change the address "03B8" from "00" to "FF"
If you have v5.24 then change the address "0378" from "00" to "FF"
Write the new data to the EEPROM and solder it back to the phone
Power on your phone and you should have "Netmonitor" enabled.
The Network Monitor gives you the following information:
Carrier number, MS RX Level in DBM, Received signal quality, MS TX power level, C1 (Path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99, RTL (Radio link timeout), Timeslot, Indication of the transmitter status, Information on the Network parameters, TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity), Cell identification (Cell ID, Number of cells being used), MCC (Mobile country code), MCN (Mobile network code), LAC (Location area code), Ciphering (On/Off), Hopping (On/Off), DTX (On/Off), Discard cell barred information.

Game Hacking with Blizzard

Get the file called the 'BlizzardN-GAGE.SIS' from IRC get in #mediaplace on Efnet (note: Downloading cracked/Hacked games is illegal unless you already own a copy of game)
The Blizzard Nokia N-Gage Installer.
1. Unpack Blizzard.sis file that you get from mIRC
2. Transfer the .sis file to your N-Gage
3. Get the .blz (N-gage ROM) from mIRC
4. copy the file to the root dir of your MMC (16MB MMC)Multimedia Card
5. Use the Blizzard application to unpack the .blz file
6. After unpacking the sonic icon should appeared in the MENU
7. Clicked sonic icon and it should work !

List of compatible games for the 3650,6600 and the N-gage that work:
SonicN (v.2.5+)
Puyo Pop (v.2.5+)

Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater

Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater

GSM Network Services Command Strings
When various network functions are selected via the cellphone's menu using the keypad, the cellphone automatically generates the corresponding GSM network command string and transmits it to the network. These commands can however be manually entered via the keypad.

Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows:
** Register and Activate
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status
© Call button

Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key - this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber ( e.g. +447712345678).
Command Description Command String
Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Display IMEI *#06#
Call Forwarding (Diversions)
De-register all call diversions ##002#©
Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#©
De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#©
Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#©
Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#©
De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#©
Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#©
Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#©
Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#©
Activate divert on no answer *61#©
De-register divert on no answer ##61#©
Deactivate divert on no answer #61#©
Check status of divert on no answer *#61#©
Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#©
Activate divert on not reachable *62#©
De-register divert on not reachable ##62#©
Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#©
Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#©
Divert on busy to number and activate /td> **67*number#©<
Activate divert on busy *67#©
De-register divert on busy ##67#©
Deactivate divert on busy #67#©
Check status of divert on busy *#67#©
Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below)
Call barring
Activate barr all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #33*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#©
Activate barr all calls **330*code#©
Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#©
Check status of barr all calls /td> *#330*code#©<
Activate barr all outgoing international calls **331*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls #331*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls *#331#©
Activate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#©
Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#©
Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#©
Call waiting
Activate call waiting *43*#©
Deactivate call waiting #43##©
Check status of call waiting *#43#©
Calling Line Identification
The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider)
CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call
Activate CLIP **30#©
Deactivate CLIP ##30#©
Check status of CLIP *#30#©
CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
Activate CLIR **31#©
Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number©
Deactivate CLIR ##31#©
Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number©
Check status of CLIR *#31#©
COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number
Activate COLP *76#©
Deactivate COLP #76#©
Check status of COLP *#76#©
COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone)
Activate COLR *77#©
Deactivate COLR #77#©
Check status of COLR *#77#©

Cellphone Services
10 All types of cellphone services
11 Speech service
12 Data service
13 Fax
14 Datex-J
15 Teletex
16 Short message service (SMS)
18 All data services without SMS
19 All cellphone services without SMS

Carrier Services
20 All services
21 All asynchronous services
22 All synchronous services
23 3.1kHz services
24 Synchronous point-to-point connections including PAD's (all synchronous data services)
25 Asynchronous point-to-point connections including PAD's (all asynchronous data services)
26 Data packet sending including PAD's (all synchronous data packet services)
27 Services with PAD-share
29 Digital connection with 12kbps

GSM Network Service Codes
Note that at present only the following service codes are in use:
11 Speech
13 fax
25 data

Cell Broadcast
While Short Message Service (SMS) can be configured as a personal service, Cell Broadcast is a general service which is designed for subscribers of a specific cell or topic. For example, a subscriber to cell 050 in England will receive information on the GSM tower currently being used by their phone. This new concept brings a whole new meaning to the term mobile communications as the phone is now able to receive information such as share prices or weather updates without the need of data cards and computers. At present the following message types exist (note: this may vary from carrier to carrier and some carriers may charge for this service):

Code Title
000 Index
010 Flashes
020 Hospitals
022 Doctors
024 Pharmacy
030 Long Distant Road Reports
032 Local Road Reports
034 Taxis
040 Weather
050 District
052 Network Information
054 Operator Services
056 Directory Inquiries (national)
057 Directory Inquiries (international)
058 Customer Care (national)
059 Customer Care (international)

In the future one will be able to control each individual call by use of the following service codes. To do this the user has to insert the service code in front of the last # in the MMI command above.

Or More

Secret Codes for some Nokia models
Nokia 9000/9000i

To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#8110# Latest Version is under Phone Info.
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#

Nokia 9110

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#0000# shows the SW version.

Latest software version: v5.02 (26-08-99)RAE-2

Nokia 7110

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#0000# To view Software Version.
*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.
*#3370* - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation. It will automatically restart.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
*#746025625# - Sim clock allowed status.
*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] - takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices:

1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
5. makes you capebel of transferring user data if you have the gear for it
6. shows how many hours the phone has been on

Latest software version: 4.77 25-01-00 NSE-5 - EFR and half rate codes do not work with these version.

V 4.76 13-01-00 NSE-5
V 4.75 07-01-00 NSE-5
V 4.73 15.11.99 NSE-5

Nokia 6190

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#6190# shows the SW version.
*#92772689# (after removing the analog module) shows service menu.
*3001#12345[OK] to enter test mode.
*#639# to change NAM.

Nokia 3810

To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#3810#

Nokia 6120 / 6160 / 6162 (TDMA phones)

*#92772689# for checking ISDN number.
*3001#12345# for field test mode and nam selection and some other stuff...
*#9999# shows the SW version

Nokia 3210 Secret Codes
Nokia 3210

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Information you get from the IMEI:



TAC = Type approval code
FAC = Final assembly code
SNR = Serial number
SP = Spare

*#0000# To view Software Version.

#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
Checks if the sim clock can be stopped. Sim clock stop is a kind of stand-by mode which will save battery time. This code doesn't work with software version 4.59.

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices:

1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
5. makes you capebel of transferring user data if you have the gear for it
6. shows how many hours the phone has been on

Latest software version: V 5.02 NSE-8/9

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.
*#3370* - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation. It will automatically restart.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart

Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (Algebraic Code Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced by about 5% when using the ERF option.