Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Adsense approval trick

Adsense approval trick

step 1  

Go to adsense.com  apply a fourm with corrent information with corrent
paye name. but remmebr we are going to disapprve this application
put wrong url in  site url  like wwww.ksdjfjkh.com/787jkh
put url which is not working.and submit application you got disapprove email after 1 hour.

Step 2

go to adsense.com   apply a fourm with any paye name with good address information
 and put this like same as  this in site url   www.zicora.com/ 
now submit this application.you got partial approval email after 1 hour.

step 3

now  open this link


when you open this login with partial approval email pw.

then  a swithch account fourm will b open

1.Corrent paye name which we used in  dissapproval  application
2.place a partial approval email in 2nd box
3.place a dissapproval Email in 3rd box

now come bottom and  place  0 (zero) in impration box
 now tick in 2 field and  submit after maximam 10 mintues you got email on both emails
that your account is switched and your partial approval email was compeltely closed and your disapproved account is now approved
 now you can  login your adsense account with  your dissapproved account which in now  fully approved

Enjay adsense approval

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